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Brie cheese from Nangis 1 Kg


From the Brie family, its taste is slightly stronger than that of Brie de Meaux.Brie de Nangis is a delightful French cheese that exemplifies the rich tradition of brie cheese-making. Known for its soft, creamy texture and delicate flavor, Brie de Nangis offers a milder taste compared to other brie varieties, making it a favorite for those who appreciate subtlety in their cheese. This brie cheese is perfect for spreading on fresh bread, pairing with fruits, or enjoying with a glass of wine. Originating from the Brie region, Brie de Nangis captures the essence of authentic French brie, offering a smooth and refined experience that is both satisfying and versatile. A true classic, Brie de Nangis is a must-have for any cheese lover.