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Siggi's Skyr Blueberry (2x140g)


Siggi's Blueberry skyr boasts a delightful sweetness that is 30% less than your typical flavored or fruit yogurt found on the market. Our sweetness comes naturally from the fruit itself and a hint of cane sugar. Rest assured, we never use artificial flavourings, colourings, preservatives, or sweeteners in our products.



pasteurised milk with 2.2% fat
fat (87%), blueberries (5.9%), cane sugar
sugar (5.1%), concentrated lemon juice,
(MILK) Milk pasteurised to 2.2% fat (87%), blueberries (5.9%), cane sugar (5.1%), concentrated lemon juice, maize starch, lactic ferments.

Type of allergens: wheat , hazelnut and hazelnut products , rye , oats and oat products (containing gluten) , milk , cereals containing gluten

Nutritional values

Energy (kJ) / (kcal) 380 / 90
Fat (g) 2
of which saturated fatty acids (g) 1.4
Carbohydrates (g) 9
of which sugars (g) 8.4
Protein (g) 9
Salt (g) 0.1