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Liebig PureSoup' Leek Soup 2x30cl


100% natural ingredients What's that ? good vegetables ? water ? natural ingredients And that's it ! No colouring No preservatives² No flavour enhancers ²In accordance with the regulations. Guaranteed quality Our vegetables are carefully selected and picked when ripe. With 30 years of know-how, we cook them in our factory near Avignon in Provence. To guarantee their preservation without any added preservatives, our soups are heated to a high temperature before being packaged. Our quality team controls our soups daily to guarantee the best products:


water,potato 17%,leek 16%,fresh CREAM,skimmed MILK,corn starch,rapeseed oil,spinach,salt,natural flavourings (contains MILK),natural onion extract. May contain traces of celery, wheat (gluten) and egg.